
I Just Wanted To Renew My Vehicle Registration!

Recently I visited a large well-known grocery store near my home to renew my vehicle registration. A simple transaction – or so I thought. After receiving the customary “Next in line please.” summons, I advised the young lady of my reason for being there. Before she even asked, I gave her the information required to […]

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helloGreat Customer Service Experience
A Great Customer Service Experience!

Now, most people don’t know that besides being passionate about all things customer service, I’m also a photographer. In preparation for a recent event, I realized that it might be a good idea to acquire a lens that’s appropriate for low-light indoor photography. After researching online for the proper lens, I realized that the price […]

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helloHow Do Your Employees Really Feel
How Do Your Employees Really Feel?

Customer service is a people industry. Although self-service has become an option for customers, people still play an important role in the customer’s experience. Employees are people. Just as customers share information regarding their experience with your company, employees do the same. What are your employees expressing about your organization? There are several websites that […]

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helloCustomer Service During a Crisis
Customer Service During a Crisis

Here in Houston, Texas, it’s not uncommon to face the possibility of an approaching hurricane from time to time. The last major storm was Hurricane Ike in 2008. This storm left some residents in the area without power for a week. In thinking about this crisis situation, I thought about some ways to handle customer service both during and in […]

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