
Why Most People Dread Working on Processes

Working on processes is often a crucial part of any business operation. From improving efficiency to ensuring consistency, well-documented processes can significantly impact an organization’s success. However, despite the apparent benefits, most people dread working on processes. This blog explores the reasons behind this aversion and offers insights into overcoming these challenges. 1. Perception of […]

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Should You Only Document Your Core Business Processes?

In the fast-paced world of business, process documentation often takes a backseat to immediate operational demands. However, the question of whether to document only core business processes or to extend this practice across all facets of an organization is a critical consideration. While documenting core processes is undeniably crucial, limiting documentation solely to these areas […]

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Get Customer Feedback – It Tells You What Processes to Work On!

In the world of business, customer feedback is often regarded with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Many companies invest significant resources in collecting feedback through surveys, reviews, and direct communications, but a surprisingly large number shy away from actually listening to and acting on this invaluable data. The truth is, customer feedback is a […]

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5 Outcomes From Documenting Bad Processes

Documenting business processes is widely acknowledged as a critical step toward operational efficiency, compliance, and scalability. However, documenting bad processes can be detrimental, leading to a host of negative outcomes that undermine the very goals the documentation aims to achieve. Here are five significant outcomes that can arise from documenting flawed processes: 1. Perpetuation of […]

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