
helloInternal Connectivity
Internal Connectivity – 3 Ways to Determine How Well Your Company is Connected

Internal Connectivity   While it is important to focus on sales growth and profit margins, many business owners forget to think about internal connectivity. It’s critical to understand what is connected to a company’s ability to function well internally. You know how the saying goes – “what happens on the inside becomes visible on the […]

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helloPerformance Appraisals Do Create Customer Experiences
Performance Appraisals Do Create Customer Experiences

During my corporate customer service career, I learned very early the importance of having a system in place for fair performance appraisals. Believe it or not, providing objective performance evaluations does impact the level of service received by your customers. When employees feel the performance appraisal process is objective and fair, morale is positively impacted. […]

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helloDon’t Do This in Front of the Customer
Don’t Do This in Front of the Customer

Once upon entering a fast food franchise (yes I know it’s not healthy, but oh well) I witnessed a verbal altercation between if you can believe it – two employees! From what I could gather, there seems to have been an error on a customer’s order and one employee was trying to place the blame […]

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helloEmployee Morale Does Create Customer Experiences
Employee Morale Does Create Customer Experiences

It’s often been said that customer contact employees are key to creating great customer experiences. There is a lot of validity to this statement as customers depend upon the person with whom they interact to provide a high level of service. In continuing the series on the necessary ingredients for creating great customer experiences, let’s […]

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