A Boss vs A Leader

difference between a boss and a leader

The difference between a boss and a leader:

A boss thinks their opinion is the only one that matters.

A leader knows the importance of taking the opinion of others into consideration.

A boss demeans and disrespects those who can contribute to the success of the entity.

A leader understands the importance of everyone’s contribution and seeks to treat others respectfully.

A boss throws temper tantrums in order to get others to comply, which is just one more reason why not to be a boss but to be a leader.

A leader is mature enough to know the importance of maintaining self-control.

A boss will enlist the assistance of “yes” people in an attempt to “shame” someone into compliance. In comparison of a boss vs a leader, this is a huge negative point for a boss. 

A leader asks questions to understand why people think the way they do.

Do not be a boss, be a leader. Leaders never run out of people willing to assist them on their mission. Bosses find themselves constantly starting over again.

If you want to become a better leader and to better connect with your front line employees, here’s an article that you may find interesting – “3 Reasons To Listen To Your Front Line Employees”.


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