
helloService Recovery
Service Recovery – Regaining Your Customer’s Trust

I know from personal experience that mistakes will happen when servicing customers. Providing the wrong information, delivering the wrong goods, or perhaps even charging the wrong amount for services can sometimes happen because of the people factor involved. It’s simple – we’re human and we can make mistakes! The key is to determine what one […]

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helloThe Big E Word in Customer Service
The Big E Word in Customer Service

When speaking with managers in the customer service industry, this comment is often repeated – “I just wish I could get my people to show more empathy towards the customer.” Empathy – The big E word in customer service. One’s ability to sincerely interject this trait in customer service is critical. It’s important to properly […]

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helloOption Awareness Does Create Customer Experiences
Option Awareness Does Create Customer Experiences

During my career in the customer service industry, I felt most effective when I understood the available options for handling customer requests or inquiries. It’s important to be able to confidently provide service as customers and employees both enjoy the experience so much more. Here are a couple of things to consider to establish option […]

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helloDon’t Do This in Front of the Customer
Don’t Do This in Front of the Customer

Once upon entering a fast food franchise (yes I know it’s not healthy, but oh well) I witnessed a verbal altercation between if you can believe it – two employees! From what I could gather, there seems to have been an error on a customer’s order and one employee was trying to place the blame […]

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