
helloInternal Connectivity
Internal Connectivity – 3 Ways to Determine How Well Your Company is Connected

Internal Connectivity   While it is important to focus on sales growth and profit margins, many business owners forget to think about internal connectivity. It’s critical to understand what is connected to a company’s ability to function well internally. You know how the saying goes – “what happens on the inside becomes visible on the […]

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helloSales Tactics Do Create Customer Experiences
Sales Tactics Do Create Customer Experiences

How often have you heard this statement from customer service personnel within your company – “I wish those salespeople would think about what they’re doing when making promises to customers. I’m tired of being yelled at for something that’s not my fault.” It’s important to remember to only promise what can be delivered when interacting […]

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helloBenefits of Analyzing Work Processes
3 Benefits of Analyzing Work Processes

In a current client engagement, we are analyzing their work processes. Now more often than not, this can be very tedious work. The whole purpose of undertaking this task is to assess the present condition of the company’s operations in regard to efficiency, customer centricity, and employee productivity. While this may seem to be a […]

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helloIncreasing Customer Retention
4 Steps to Increasing Customer Retention

In these days of fierce competition, it’s crucial to do everything that one can to protect one’s customer base. The ability to retain customers is based on how well your internal operations run. While it’s important to smile and be nice to customers, it’s a good idea to make sure that your internal systems are […]

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