If you are a small business owner, it’s very important to pay attention to your customer service delivery program. After spending money for your website (search engine optimized of course), business cards, and other necessities for your particular business as well as countless hours networking, it would be a shame for all of this to go to waste due to not paying attention to customer service.
Here are a few tips:
1. Acknowledge your customer. That means if they walk into your establishment, acknowledge their presence. If they email you, respond quickly.
If they call you, answer the phone (If you’re not available, advise your customers as to when you will be available – “I am in a meeting from 1 pm to 2 pm and will return your call as quickly as possible.”). If they can reach you via your website, make sure you are able to receive a direct email advising that someone is attempting to reach you.
2. Assess what their needs/wants are by asking questions and listening.
3. Provide service professionally by:
A. Keeping your word.
B. Communicating with your customer.
C. Saying “Thank You”.
Just a few tips for you. We’ll elaborate more and provide other tips in an upcoming workshop.
Remember, customer service can make or break your business. It’s your choice!