Award Winning Service!

Award Winning Service

I visited a local tire facility to address a slow leak from what I thought was a puncture. An employee immediately acknowledged my presence and asked how he might be of service. After explaining the issue, he proceeded to get all of the pertinent information required before servicing the vehicle.

Before taking the vehicle inside to inspect the tire, he confirmed once again which tire was experiencing the loss of air. As I waited for the completion of the repair, another employee approached and asked if I could follow him to the repair area. He then advised that the tire was fine, but there was an issue with the wheel.

He explained and demonstrated how he would repair the wheel. When questioned about the safety of the repair, he guaranteed the repair was perfectly safe.

The entire process from my arrival until the completion of the repair took about thirty minutes. Let’s see: 1. Acknowledged customer’s presence immediately. 2. Listened for issue – slow leak. 3. Verified issue again – slow leak in right front tire. 4. Advised customer of problem found – wheel damage. 5. Advised customer of the solution – wheel repair at no charge. 6. Addressed customer’s concerns – safe repair. 7. Repair time -thirty minutes. Now That’s Customer Service!


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